Can I take my life insurance policy with me when I leave my employer?

Question: “Can I take my life insurance policy with me when I leave my employer?” Answer: Quite often you can transfer your group life insurance coverage to an individual policy with the same  insurance company when you leave your employer. You should check with your employer to see if your group life insurance contract offers a conversion privilege available to all employees who are insured under the employer’s group plan.  A conversion privilege will be … Read More

Can I get disability insurance if I’m self-employed?

Question: Can I get disability insurance if I’m self-employed, and if so, should I? Answer: Yes, and if you’re self-employed, disability insurance is even more important for you than for the average employee. If you are injured and are unable to work, you don’t have the built-in luxury of paid sick leave to tide you over. This means you need to take a serious look at your financial situation and decide whether you have … Read More

What does a drop in the stock market have to do with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?

Up one day, down the next…is the stock market roller coaster making you nervous? I completely understand. To help you get a better handle on this, check out the post I made today on my Kinkelaar & Associates’ financial planning blog.  It highlights the importance in having an investment strategy that you can stick with. Now, I also have to share a personal annoyance with you.  One of the comments you hear from financial … Read More

Should we consolidate our health insurance coverage?

Question: It’s open enrollment season at work and my husband and I are each on our own employer health insurance plan. Should we consolidate our coverage to one plan? Answer: When you and your spouse are making this decision, it may be useful for you to focus on three key areas: the out-of-pocket cost of each plan the levels of service and coverage offered, and the coverage offered to any dependent children, if applicable. … Read More